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GST Billing Software in Trichy

GST Billing Software in Trichy

Best ERP, Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application

We Cover your End-to-End Business Needs

GST Billing Software in Trichy. This product is seriously and thoroughly invested by our 8+ years of experience in the business. We’re adding & improving it continuously for years. Surely it will never cost higher, this product is for those who are serious and really want to grow their business. You will find yourself a bargain when you buy The S2S POS.

GST Billing Software in Trichy

Key features of Gst Billing Software

Multiple Business / Shops in Single Window

  • Set up multiple businesses in the application.
  • Create multiple locations for your business/shop
  • Inventory and Stock accounting information is kept separately for each business / Location / Branches.
  • Stocks, Purchases, Sell can be tracked differently for locations.
  • Manage all of them at the same time.

User & Role Management

  • Powerful user and role management system
  • Predefined roles – Admin & Cashier
  • Create different Roles with permission as per your need.
  • Create unlimited users with different roles.

Contacts (Customer & Suppliers)

  • Mark contact as customer or supplier or both(customer & Supplier)
  • View details of transactions with a contact.
  • View total of Credit/Debit balance amount
  • Define pay term and get payment alerts week before the due date.

Products Management

  1.  Add / Edit / Delete Product,
  2.  Add / Edit / Delete Brand,
  3.  Add / Edit / Delete Units,
  4.  Add / Edit / Delete Category

Add / Edit / Delete Sub-category
• Add SKU number or auto-generate SKU number with prefixes.
• Import Products in csv
• Delete Product (Bulk delete)
• Manage Product Variations
• Manage Product Units / Fraction (e.g:1.5,2.5)

• Printing Bar-code & Labels
• Duplicate Product
• Correcting product stock mis-match or incorrect stock in different reports
• Bulk Edit Products
• Rack, Row & Position of product can be set
• Manage Opening Stock, Import Opening Stock
• Not For Selling option: If a product is maked not-for-selling then it will not be displayed in POS or sales screen.
• Alert Quantity: Alert quantity is used to alert when remaining stocks reaches to this level or below it.
• Manage stock: Enable/Disable stock management at a product level. Product stock management is required for most of the services
• Business Location: Select the business location(s) where this product can sold or purchased.
• Select Applicable tax for that product.

• Product Type option:

    1.  Single Product: Applicable for products with no variation with them then select single
      2.  Variable Product: Applicable to a product having variations (like size or color or design or flavors etc) variable cost can be set for variations (eg.Diff cost for diff size).
      3. Combo or Bundle Product:
      Offering several products as one combined product.
      Each combined product, reduces from stock on billing
      • Product barcode:
      1. use the brand’s barcode instead of creating and printing new for every product
      2. use the brand’s barcode of the product instead of creating and printing new for every product

Locations Wise Stock Management & Stock Transfer, Stock Adjustment

  • Get stock alerts on low stock.
  • Save time by auto calculating selling price, the system is smart to auto calculate selling price based on purchase price and profit margin.
  • Create variation template and use it everytime you need to create variable products goes in variable product goes in variable products.
  • Stock transfer from business location to another business location.
  • Stock Adjustment
  • Stock Report: Location wise Stock , Current Stock, Current Stock Value , potential profit , unit transferred, unit adjusted, current Stock in manufacturing.


Purchase Management

  • Easily add purchases.
  • Add purchase for different locations.

Manage Paid/Due purchases.

  • Paid
  • Due
  • Partial
  • Overdue
  • Partial Overdue

Adding Payments

  • Adding payment when adding purchase
  • Adding payment from the List Purchase screen
  • Adding payments from Contact
  • Adding/Editing Payment Method or Pay-Via


• Get Notified of Due purchases week before the pay date.
• Add discounts & Taxes & shipping charges
• Purchase return
• Purchase Order
Creating purchase order
Converting purchase Order to Purchase
• Adding Bonus or Free Items given by supplier
• Specify product Lot number & expiry.
• Upload purchase document
• Quick Add Product in purchase screen
• Purchase custom fields
You can add some custom fields in add/edit purchase & view purchase.

Sales / Sell

• Sales Order
1. Creating sales order
2. Converting Sales Order to Sales

• Selling (POS Screen), Credit Sales, Draft, Quotations & Suspended Sales.
1. Selecting, Changing Selling Products, Changing Product Price, Tax & Discount, Lot number & Expiry date
2. Cancel Sales
3. Express Checkout: Express Checkout means the sale will be marked as Paid and the payment method will be cash.
4. 100% Credit Sales
5. Half Credit & half payment Sales
6. Draft & Quotation
7. Card / Multiple Pay / Cash
8. Adding payments from Contact
9. Adding/Editing Payment Method or Pay-Via
10. Rounding Mechanism for total Sales amount or total payable
• Tender Change or Change Return
• Featured Products in POS screen
• Using S2S POS for Selling of your Services by adding four services
• Sales Subscriptions
• Cash Register

Sales / Sell

• Invoice Layout
• Displaying QR code in invoice
• Gift Receipt
• Invoice External URL: With invoice external URL you can share the invoice to a customer via a link.
• Configuring keyboard shortcuts for POS screen
• Discounts by Brand, Category, Location
• Reward Points, Royalty points
• Maintaining Types of Service
• Shipments, Home Delivery or parcel management
• Display product unit price in POS Product suggestion
• Cash Denomination
• Simplified interface for selling products
• Default Walk-In-Customer automatically added to a business
• Add new customer from POS screen.
• Ajax based selling screen – save reloading time
• Mark an invoice for draft or final
• Different options for payments
• Customize invoice layout and invoice scheme.
• Total amount round off system for bills.


• Profit / Loss Report
• Product Purchase Report
• Sell Payment Report
• Purchase Payment Report
• Product Sell Report
• Purchase & Sale report
• Items Report
• Stock Adjustment Report
• Tax Report
• Contact Reports (Customers & Suppliers Reports)
• Stock Reports : Stock value by Purchase & sales price
• Expense Report
• Trending Products Report: View Trending Products, drill down by Brands, Category, Sub-category, Units and date ranges
• Cash Register Report
• Sales Representative report
• Register Report : View details of all registers and filter registers based on User and/or Status
• Activity log

Tax Settings

• Tax Rates, Tax Groups & Disabling tax
• Setting S2S POS for Indian Users or other Country with GST support.
• Inline tax & invoice tax

Payment Accounts

  • Enabling & using Payment account or bank account
  • Setting default payment accounts for payment methods

Expense Management

• Easily add business expenses
• Categorise expenses
• Expense Refund
• Adding expenses for an employee or customer or supplier
• Analyse expenses based on category and business locations with expenses report.

Other useful feature

• Set currency, timezone, financial year, the profit margin for a business.
• Manage Brands, Tax Rate & Tax groups (Enable & Disable Tax), Units, Category & Sub-Category
• Add cashier for business location.
• Staff Salary and expense management
• Detailed documentation
• Interactive Dashboard with overallshop details and charts
SMS & Email notifications
Supports Barcode Scanner, Thermal Printer (ESC/POS)

We are right choice to Start Your Website Design & Grow Your Business

Best GST Billing Software In Trichy

Special Modules for The S2S POS

Woo Commerce Module

Features in WooCommerce module:

  1. Synchronize products categories from POS to your online WooCommerce based webshop. (POS to WooCommerce)
    Synchronize products from POS to your online WooCommerce based webshop. (POS to WooCommerce)
    Update stock details from POS to WooCommerce (POS to WooCommerce)
  2. Synchronize Orders from WooCommece to POS (WooCommerce to POS)
    Assign different price for the webshop. (Using Selling Price Group feature)
  3. Map taxes
  4. Shows the details synchronization logs.
  5. Auto Synchronization based on Cron jobs.
  6. Customizable products field for synchronization during product creation & update.
  7. Synchronize product price Including Tax or Excluding tax.

CRM Module

• Followup
1. Followup with Leads, customers & Supplier
2. One-time followup
3. Recurring followups
4. Followup based on Pending/Partial/Overdue invoices
• Leads
5. Add/Edit/Delete leads
6. Convert leads to customer
7. Leads source: Know which source (e.g google/facebook etc) leads are converting to more customers.
8. Leads life stage: Know the life stage of lead (New/Qualified/Opportunity/ etc)
• Campaigns
9. Email & SMS campaign
• Contact Login
10. Multiple logins for customers & suppliers
11. Contact can check previous orders, purchases, sales, payment & ledger.
• Proposal
12. Create proposal templates with Subject, Body & attachments
13. Send proposal to leads
• Report
14. Follow-ups by user
15. Follow-ups by contacts
16. Lead to customer conversion

Advance Repair Module

Feature in Repair Module:
1. Repair job sheet and assign it to the technician.
2. Configurable repair status with color code for easy identification
3. Manage Devices (like Mobile, Computer, Tablets, etc)
4. Job sheet & Repair Status
Manage Device models
5. Configurable checklist for device models
– Add products (spare parts) & services as per device models.
– Assign repair to a technician (service staff)
– Manage repair with a due date, completed on, status, brands, device, device models, serial number, repair checklist, defect,
– Many more feature releasing …

Project Management Module

  • Create project
  • Assign Project Members
  • Lead Integration
  • Create Task,
  • Assign Task priority
  • Report by employee
  • Report by project

Contact Less Menu & Catalogue Module

1. QR code generation based on selected business location
2. QR code download as image
3.QR code color picker
4.Product menu, grouped by categories.
5.Product images, price, SKU, description, discounts & offers are shown in a beautiful way

Production Module

  • Creating Methods
  • Production Cost
  • Adding Production:
    1. Product 
    2. Quantity
    3. Input Quantity
    4. Wastage Percent
    5. Final quantity
    6. Wasted Quantity
    7. Production Cost
    8. Finalize checkbox

Essentials module

Features in Essentials module:
1. ToDo List:
2 .Document
3. Memos
4. Reminders
5. Messages

Sales Target for Employees

1. Adding sales target
2. Calculating & Paying commission to employees
3. Calculates sales target on sales amount excluding taxes

HRM Modules

1. Leave Management: Leave types & Leaves.
2. Getting users location for attendance
3. Attendance
4 Payroll
5. Holiday
6. Shift management:
7. & related settings

Asset Management module

Features in Asset management module
1. Add assets
2. Track assets warranty
3. Categorize assets
4. Get details of asset counts
5. Allocate assets to an employee or users
6. Allocated/UnAllocated assets
7. Revoke asset

Kitchen Order Tickets (KOT) module

1. Table allocation
2. Add Serviceman
3. Assign orders to serviceman
4. Reports
5. Service Screen for Serviceman
6. Kitchen screen
7. Update order status directly
9. Reserve table & service man
10. Send email notifications

Who can use our software

Software for your Business


  1. Textile shop in Trichy
  2. Department Shops  in Trichy
  3. Super Market in Trichy
  4. Pipe Traders in Trichy
  5. Pharmacy shops in Trichy
  6. Footwear shops in Trichy
  7. Sanitary shops in Trichy
  8. Hardware shops in Trichy
  9. Electronics Shops in Trichy
  10. Home Appliances in Trichy
  11. Mobile & Mobile Accessories stores in Trichy
  12. Mobile Repair Shop in Trichy
  13. Chicken, Fish & meat Shops in Trichy
  14. General Stores in Trichy
  15. Stationary in Trichy
  16. Repair Shops in Trichy
  17. Hotels & restaurants in Trichy
  18. Saloon & Spa in Trichy
  19. Automobile & Automobile accessories, Automobile Dealer in Trichy
  20. Electrical in Trichy
  21. Agencies in Trichy
  22. Trading Companies in Trichy
  23. Jewellery Shops in Trichy
  24. All Service Shops in Trichy
  25. Computer & Laptop Accessories in Trichy
  26. Book Shops in Trichy


The S2S POS is a complete ERP for all types of businesses…


✅ Retail

✅ Wholesale

✅ Manufacturers

✅ Distributors

✅ Service providers

Strength of S2S POS

  • Build with Latest Technologies
  • Cloud Based(Online Based) Software & Your data will be scanned
  • Online and Onsite Service Support
  • Customized Bill Print, Receipt Print
  • User can change GST Taxation
  • Export Reports to Excel, PDF & Other Formats
  • SMS & whatsapp for Bill Receipt
  • Barcode Scanner, Thermal Printer (ESC/POS)
  • Cashier Screen and Statement
  • Unlimited Data Storage
  • Payment due Reminders

Ease your business with our complete GST billing software in Trichy

We offer Highly customized,Modern and user friendly gst billing software for Retail, Restaurant POS,
Small shops, Garments and medical shops.

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